Wednesday, September 16, 2009

dugaan Ramadhan

hahaha.. laugh first.. hee~ laugh is the best medicine.. weehehehe..

bulan puasa thn ni sangggaaaaaaaat meletihkan............ huu~ bcos have lots of exams.. mid-term examination... dynamics, calculus, electric circuit, islamic worldview, comp & programming, drawing.. all of these are the critical subjects!!! huu~~ not to include the assignments, lab report.......... wahahahaha... so stressful and depressed!!! but, maybe bcos of ramadhan, I have the strength to face all of these challenges.. yea, this year's ramadhan is the toughest... or maybe, there will be more toughest than this year.. huu~~ yela, spe suruh amik engineering.. inilah akibatnye... huhuhuhu.... it's ok, always think in a +ve way.. xde sape yg berjaya x merasa kesusahan sblm berjaya.. ehehe.. so, terima sajelah... no pain no gain.. eh, btul ke ni?? hee~~

another dugaan Ramadhan is when I lost my laptop and my purse.. huu~~ it happens juz b4 breaking the fast.. mse tu, abah n mama bru je amik saya dr mahallah (kolej), then ktorg pegi la carefour wangsa maju, nk beli food tuk berbuka... abah pn parking la kereta kt car park wangsa maju tu.. x smpi stengah jam pn kt dlm carefour tu, then ble smpi je kat kereta, tgk, cermin kereta blakang dh pecah!!! huu~~ my bag yg mengandungi laptop, purse, mp4, pen drive n smue brg2 yg penting dh lesap!!! T-T huuu~~ mmg 1 dugaan yg besar for me.. totally unexpected.. xpelah, I accept it as a test from Allah.. tp, perkara yg membuatkn saya agk terkilan ialah xkn xde lgsg org nmpk kereta kena pecah.. pd hal, kereta tu dh parking kat tmpt yg mmg sntiasa ade org kott.. hurmm, ntah la.. mgkn ade org nmpk, tp wat2 x nmpk.. huhhuhu... xpelah.. mama saya ckp, sikit je dugaan ini... org laen pny dugaan lg besar.. mgkn saya ada wat silap, jd dugaan ini adalah tuk menyedarkn saya yg slalu wat kesilapan.. ampunilah dosa2ku, ya Allah.. amin~~

so, this year, hopefully will be the most fantastic Aidilfitri.. yelah, tyme puasa sgt depressed.. huhuhu... can't wait for Aidilfitri!!!! hehehehe.... dat's all lah my celoteh for today.. nnt nk membebel lg.. ngeehehe.. ^-^


biELa said...

bersabarlah, ye ae?

AcanCapik said...

wah, cik ae ada blog... huhu... bersabar la, mungkin apa yg kita hilang tu bukan bahagian kita. semua tu hanya pinjaman Allah SWT kepada kita. anyway, slmt berblogging, dan selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin...
0-0 ye...

a p e x said... baru..
nicely done..
keep it up n keep updating..
sian kau laptop ilang..
byk2 bersabar k...
selamat hari raya!

MiHi ^-^ said...

eben : ok, thanx..
acan : yaa!! ak nk jgak ad blog.. hee~ hurmm, btul2.. thanx.. yaaaa, slamat berblogging!! selamat hari raya to u to!! maaf zahir batin.. ok, no probs!!
apex : thanx!! yup, laptop ilang.. huu~ weh, blikan ak satu laptop br?? hee~~
selamat hari raya!!

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